Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:44 PM there's this really idiotic girl who rides my bus, ok? and you know why I say that? well here's the story:(oh btw, its summer right now and on the day this happened, it was like 38 degrees celcius and hinthint-its the desert, no clouds) One Thursday(or Wednesday) afternoon, when we were going home, this girl wearing a black jacket with clothes inside, came in the bus and said ''WTH! It's so freakin hot!'' and note..its summer in the desert, it's afternoon -the time when the sun is above our heads-, and she's wearing a black jacket, and she comes in the bus saying its sooo freakin hot. It was like the most idiotic thing I've heard..I mean, seriously, its summer! why wear a black jacket?! Thats what I really hate about some for example, its winter and someone wearing a mini-skirt says DUDE! It's so freakin cold?! -_-' I would sooo love to punch the person in the face! ugh...
I found out two things, I dont mind hot temperatures, as long as I cant feel the sting of the sun's rays, I'm so totally fine. ^_^ so I guess I'll survive in Singapore....buuuuuuuuut, I'll be sweatin so much..yuck. ANd that I know an American that can speak chinese!^_^
so i was sitting against the wall with my friend at lunch, then I heard someone talk on the phone in chinese! so i look over and find that ang mo talking in chinese..i was like WOW..turns out she lived in Taiwan for a couple years when she was young, but like any american who knows how to speak chinese, they have a little know what I i dont think you do ^_^
AANNNNND, I've got to go, my mom aint want me on the computer! haha i kinda used it wrongly!
signed off ♥
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 4:08 PM
Today was a very interesting day. In science, we got to look at protists (some kind of microscopic living thing). It was sooooooooooooo cool! They were swimming from place to place. SO AWESOME! yep..and then we saw a mosquito or dragonfly larvae..or so my science teacher said. not so sure.In Geometry, everything was cool.In Spanish, we had our first exam, I think I did pretty good on it, but you never know!In Social Studies, aiya watever..very boring no need to talk abt it.
signed off ♥
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 7:54 PM
Jeez..its been a long time since I wrote something here...I'm just too lazy to write anything. school started for me last Wednesday. This is my second week and I alr had 4 quizzes and 1 test..its like wth! its only the second week of school!
Yea and so far, my favorite classes are Science and Math, followed by Social Studies..
Dang, my science teacher - Mr Williams- is soooooooo funny! He really is the kind of teacher that makes you actually want to learn more about science and make you look forward to going to that class..he created a 'secret language' and its used when you see him walking around the school campus. Goes like this: We say ''UP YOUR XYLEM!'' then he replies '' DOWN YOUR PHLOEM!''
he made it so we can remember our vocab words..
Herbaceous- '' When you mom is putting on make-up, go up to her and say ' you lookin herbaceous mom!' and when she checks the dictionary for the meaning, she'll get mad.'' haha
Lenticel- '' tree fart'' -or I think its sth like that.. he was like '' if you sit quietly in the forest and make the trees think no one is there -they are shy- you can here a ''poot'' sound then followed by ''Ahhh''..thats when the tree farts..'' lol..
Gymnosperm- literally means 'naked seed' he told us to call our brothers/sisters gymnodip(spelling?) that means 'naked idiot'
I did something stupid today..I put my earrings in my jean pocket and the sharp part poked through my pocket , then as I was pulling my backpack up from the floor, I 'dragged' my hand across my pocket and now I have a cut abt 6cm long..-_- stupid right?
speaking of cuts, on Sunday, my church youth group people had a farewell party for someone leaving for taiwan..and so this friend of mine was BBQing and the knife fell of from the table and cut his was like .7cm long but I think it was pretty deep..cuz the knife fell of from the table..scary man. he said he thought it was BBQ sauce at first but then later realized it was blood. he also said that the blood was like a fountain..sprinkling though his cut..sick. XP
yea..I got a 75% on my science quiz . BUT, there were only 10 questions, which means I got three questions wrong..and considering that I didnt really study much cuz I didnt really hear the teacher say we had a quiz 'tomorrow' , its actually not that bad of a score..
I got 26/30 wrong for spanish and considering that I had 5 less days to study then other people, its ok...and yea..I'm making up excuses so that I dont feel bad ok? -_-
and this post is kinda long cuz I meant to post some stuff a few days ago but as I said above, I was too lazy...
Yeah..I'm looking forward to this school year..hope I learn lots of things!
signed off ♥
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 5:57 PM
Today was my first day of school. Comments about it: Felt super retarded in Geometry cuz I didnt understand some stuff
Felt incredibly idiotic cuz I couldnt understand anything in spanish class
Got too much attention in science class..but I think science class is the best.
Sleepy in Social Studies
Hated 3rd period..I might quit that class actually...
Language Arts was like every language arts class...same boring exercises(?)..same kind of attitude every L.A teacher has...PATHETIC...
Lunch was awesome..
and I think thats all...
ohh one more thing....I HATE SPANISH!!!..or to say it in a better way, its really hard to learn. I'm only learning it for the sake of having a 3rd language. -_-'
So anyway, I'm using my HW time to post this ..
dang, Live science is just confusing..
there're words like Phylum, Schizomycophyta, Myxomycophyta, Mastigophora, Platyhelminthes...I saw those and I'm just like.WTH -_-'...its not that easy *sigh*
In spanish today, I just had to smile cuz I found it funny how the teacher said so many things in spanish and I didnt even understand a single thing..its like I'm in a foreign only they had Japanese..I would soooooooo join it.. thats all for today..I have to do my Hw ..gotta finish it!bb
signed off ♥
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 5:18 PM
Yea! I'll be skipping the 1,2,3,4 days of school cuz I'm going to California! church is doing a praise night over there..and on Monday, we're going to Disneyland! soooooooo excited..I'm leaving tomorrow and school starts tomorrow..I dont want to miss the first day of school, but then I would miss it for Disneyland. It might be my last time to go to Disneyland too!
yeayea..i dont really have a life right now, so i dont have anything to say..
oh wait i do ...
i was going to go to the Fry's right across the road..but i didnt..cuz there were too many cars and i didnt know how to cross the traffic light..stupid right? yea i know
signed off ♥
Saturday, August 1, 2009 1:14 PM
Yay! I can finally go online for more than 10 mins now! my family traveled from south to north, literally.
that was our route. could've gone to Canada and added it to the list of countries I've been to. lol..but we didn't .
We went to Grand Canyon-north rim Arizona, Zion National park Utah, Sunset crater monument Arizona, Yellowstone National Park Wyoming, Glacier National Park Montanna, Grand Teton National Park Wyoming, Cedar Breaks Monument Utah, Marble Canyon Arizona...and I think thats all of the national parks, monuments, and canyons.
Went to an outlet and got a top. went to a morman church, went to a ski resort -dinner there was great-, salt lake city - the capitol there was soooooooooooooo cool!- ..cant really think about all the places I've been to, we went to soo many places.haiz..
Highlight: I saw wildlife!
I saw a huge herd of wild buffalo (Wyoming) and took a picture with o'll see it there.
but then, buffalos became so common that I didnt really care abt it anymore..but theyre so cute!. I took a picture of one at yellowstone and it was peeing.-_-' it was pretty funny though.
I saw a pack (?) of wild deers, they were pretty cute but boring..and they just wouldn't come near us -_-'..the sound they make was pretty cute though
but yea..I saw a lot of them too..and they became boring
I saw chipmunks ^_^ sooooooooooooooooo adorable!
rite? chip & dale! haha
I saw Prairie Dogs when we were driving..some ran across the road, and some got squashed when they were doing was sick..I saw like 8 or 9 dead and squashed on the road ..the bloody bodies. one of the dead ones had only half of its body left..sick..I'm gonna stop talking abt it now..its too sad.
I saw black bears..but it was from a long distance..the people who saw the bears and were taking pictures of it caused a traffic jam in the mountains..they didnt even listen to the police who was telling them to move. idiotic people...
I saw mountain goats too..they were so adorable!hahaha..fb to see
I saw a dead deer, dead racoon?, dead coyote/dog, dead rabbit? sad.
I saw an eagle's nest and the eagle, it was the bald eagle..america's icon(?) so cool..but it also caused a traffic jam
I saw a mole..that mouse-like was adorable..haha..
I also saw a fox ..^_^ hehe adorable..
cant think of anything else to write now..but I know I have a lot to tell..
so byebye..and if you want to see pictures, go to facebook
signed off ♥